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Social Work

The University of La Rioja, headquarters in Logroño, organizes the international congress on social work, CIFETS. Representatives from national and international bodies shall attend the congress to contribute to the debate on social work and humanitarian aspects.

April 2016, Logroño

Audiovisual Art

Laboral, Centre of Art and Industrial Creation, organizes a seminar to present the audiovisual works of three important artists. The main focus lies on the relationship between art, science and research.

April 2016, Gijón

Mental Health

The prestigious psychiatrist, Dr. Allen Frances, visits Avilés to give a talk and lead a workshop on the latest advances and status quo of mental health. He is one of the main promotors of the DSM, a diagnosis system widely used.

April 2016, Avilés


The Centre for the Training of Teachers of the Principality of Asturias has invited Mrs. Rowlin, Institute of Psychiatry (London), to give two talks on management of children with autism.

April 2016, Mieres

ICTs and Labour Law

The School of Law of the University of Santiago de Compostela organizes an international congress to address the relationship between ICTs and Labour and Comparative Law. IOL representatives will chair some of the panels.

April 2016, Santiago de Compostela


XXIII International Clinical Meeting on Dermatology organized by the Dermatological Department of the Hospital Clinic, Barcelona. More than 1000 participants and experts from all over Europe addressing the most innovative topics.

April 2016, Barcelona


V Workshop on Phonosurgery organized by the Voice Unit of the ORL Service of the Hospital Sanitas La Zarzuela. Dr. Rosen is the main guest speaker.

March-April 2016, Madrid

Coblation Advanced System

Smith & Nephew organizes a training seminar in Madrid to inform about the latest coblation system to be launched shortly all around the world.

March 2016, Madrid

UN Model of the University of Oviedo

OVIMUN organizes a tight agenda to launch the V United Nations Model of the University of Oviedo. The inauguration will take place at the Auditorium of Oviedo and several local, national and international personalities will attend the event.

March 2016, Oviedo

Rheumatology and Inflammation

The Spanish Society of Rheumatology organizes its XXI International Symposium in Valencia to address the most recent advances in the field of research and intervention.

March 2016, Valencia.

Clinical Trials: Cardiovascular Diseases

European Rejuvenation Meeting to present the advances of the Clinical Trials Spire I and II. Researchers and clinicians from all over Europe meet in Madrid for two days.

March 2016, Madrid

Facial Paralysis

The Facial Paralysis Unit of the Hospital La Paz,Madrid, has organized the III International Congress to invite the international and national experts who will address the updates and advances on facial paralysis.

March 2016, Oviedo

Metabolic disorders and HIV

International conference with the main experts on metabolic comorbidities in HIV patients. What do we know? What can we do? 

February 2016, Berlin

Enter 2016

The IFITT, with headquarters in Switzerland, organizes the 23rd International Conference with the main topic being: eTourism-empowering places. Public and private stakeholders shall address the main future trends on eTourism.

February 2016, Bilbao

Life Styles Inventory (LSI)

Axialent, the global leader in Conscious Business transformation, organizes a 2-day workshop in Asturias (Las Caldas) led by Simultaneous interpreting on an interesting topic.

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